Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What I Feel Though Noone Cares

So, i started this "draft" about 2 or 3 weeks ago..3 i think. below is what i thought about writing about. the one directly below i wrote 3 weeks ago.

Every guy needs that one girl, that he understands, that understands him, the one that comforts him, and he comforts her,

^forget that...anyway...a week ago i was going to blog about Cho Seung Hui. type that name in google...and also about suicide victims, the how, the why, and why they aren't crazy or stupid.

then about 4 days ago was like nah, i'll blog about friendships, but yesterday, that speaker at chapel talked about it and had all my points except 1: Pity does not = friendship, even though alotta ppl pity ppl then become their friends...had a few experiences of that myself...but pity not = friendship...now...

i'll rant about FIRST...then...perhaps some other non sequitor random thoughts.. here we go, put on ur seat belts..

disclaimer: this is in no way to be offensive to first members/friends in first/especially not you melissa =P....i'll just state a few facts/opinions...okay...wel...even though i say no offense its hard not be offended sometimes, dont take a rant too seriusly =]
FIRST really changes some people...ppl yell at ppl more...less friendly..as if we could get 2nd to last...facts facts facts rude? letdown? its fact...yes we hav 6000 or so bucks, but seriously we're like 10 weeks behind 99.99% the other teams...ever since we started, so since we dont really win and we really fail, dont take it so...hard...i mean yeah sure be serious about it but dont get all pissed over nothing...like...nvm...ppl kno who takes it too seriously...anyway..moving on...

FIRST: F...I....Robot(?)...S....T...forgot what they stand for anyyyyyyways..
ok...so i may be a newb/rookie/noob/n00b....w/e (noob: name commonly used by computer nerds in the computer world used for putting down others in order to compensate for their smallness in life) thanks to A.Chow/Alex Chow(great(*donkey*) artist) for the definition (tytytyty bro, and alex, u shud put that def. back in ur buddy info!)

and yes all grunt jobs goto...rookies...but that tradition should be broken geez if u give all that stuff to the new ppl, what if they quit cuz they have exactly zero amount of fun? guess people never thnk about it and just accept it ...

thats not what i hate most...what i hate most is the fact that the people i hafta answer to...(perhaps 88% of them...) are err... smart people with no life...computer nerds (as Achow puts it, and no NOT geeks, geeks refer to smart ppl with a life...i.e.well..me..yes im a geek...)
or ppl that are the same as me (elton? seriously now?!?!?!? he tells me wat to do? seriously...)
or ppl that are less mature than i am (jeffrey...*yells in frustration...little kid...acts like i did in 8th grade...like exactly like me, likes to mess around with people and acts mature about 15% of the time) and this is the guy that keeps sayin "haha i hafta watch you! i hafta watch you!" (immature retard...) *cough *cough i didnt say that -.- whatever its a blog...
also lets get some definitions eh? Geek: smart with a social life, Nerd: smart with no social life, Dork: stupid no life, Normal: not the smartest, has a life, popular: usually stupid with a life.
(how melissa made social butterfly in yearbook while being smart ceases to amaze me haha jk jk =P)
geez...its hard to let out anger in text...perhaps i should youtube vid...humph...you all hav no idea how mad i get when ppl like...*cough huh? *cough (may choose to edit and post names later..) boss me around like they all that... okay so you joined FIRST 1 or 2 years earlier...experience? yeah yeah whatever....
gosh this rant isnt expressing what im trying to express...perhaps i really should have done a Cho Seung Hui blog first...(if ur too lazy its V.Tech killer, no he wasnt crazy, no he wasnt stupid, now stop criticizing him, he was psychologically correct in all his thinkings except the fact that he thought he was dying like Jesus/ and the fact that he used a weapon to show it, he was actuallly a nice guy...) if you're stubborn and still think he's crazy/stupid/etc. then think im crazy whatever...i hav similar views on the world but no i wont do what he did...im almost completely harmless...
if people talked to him, helped him, asked how he felt just once...he'd still be alive...
(hello? hint hint...)
oh yeah, i did a half hour job in 10 min...bah nvm like anyone cares...i dont even care about that anymore..not worth ranting about...
ok..i'll edit this post later..if i hav anymore ideas about FIRST

Anyway, i included some tags/labels and if anyone wants to have a deep conversation about life/death/suicide (i seriously do understand)/etc. i will be here, my public AIM is shouter123 and im on half the day (12 hrs ish on weekdends) and private AIM is IczyG 999,
my email is simrayho@yahoo.com (no spam please...dont be immature like jeffrey/albert (kid at school thats only mature half the time)

and if you wanna help me out? (i need some help in life, its a "valley" right now...my grades suck more than usual, i doubt the girl i like even likes me the slightest bit anymore, my parents for some reason get stricter as i get older...-.- and much more...)
im always free to talk at school, if you're a friend that goes to ccs (my school.).

"how can you be broken if you were never whole?"

h-huhhum...if you're in a downhill curve in life, media(songs and such) help ease the pain but dont always trust the words/lyrics...
like this one song: (good charlotte: break apart her heart) it basically said this: if you wanna keep the girl for life, break her heart first and though i can see how that can "work" that sucks if u hafta hurt her to keep her...

anyway its almost 10pm, cant think too much now, yeah well cya readers around.
contact me sometime =]
it may or may not seem like it, and most people say this and cant back it up, but i'll say this:
"i understand more about things than most people do" i.e. life/time-space(i find it really interesting) and even relationships (parent?)(girl/guy?)(friends?) though my own relationships arent the best, i do understand, so yeah ppl come talk to me!
gl gt gj gg
good luck, good try, good job, good gam3.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fish in the Sea Yada Yada Yada

WARNING!!!!! not really but anyway, this blog is gonna be really long...but i promise you...you will get something out of it and you will find it interesting...thats a PROMISE..so yeah read the whole thing..shouldnt take u 5 minutes...took me like 30 min to type this up lol

so me, me me me me me...
well...i used to be somewhat conceited though it was mostly jokingly lol.
i tend to come off as a bit immature, yes a bit, but in reality...im really not...now you're looking for a "PSYCH!" but no really...i just talk alot...and that can be seen in alot of ways and yes im trying to stop talkin so much, and yeah i know i can be slightly annoying at times ( one of the reasons i "suck" im sure...)
well heres my err..greatest..flaw? yeah well here it is, and quite unknown to well everyone actually: fact is, i overanalyze what people say to me...heres an example: if i say hi/hey/wtsup/etc. to especially a girl (><), and she says hi back...i will completely "analyze" how she said it, her tone of voice, any motions that signal how she feels at the moment, and yeah its sorta weird >.< wrong ="[...but">.<
seriously though...im not that bad of a guy am i? i mean im always trying to be that caring, compassionate, guy that is also a good listener, ya kno, "perfect guy" cept for tall dark and handsome....lol...anway..
so lets leave this with a few cool questions/quotes that i thought up either in some class or at 10pm at night in my bed:
1. got hope? (seriously think about that)

2. Love is the sworn enemy of the heart.

3. There is no absolute truth except the one just stated. (this isnt true i know it, i just put this here cuz people keep using that stupid 12 year old comeback: how bout the one u just said?)

4. (in no way does this apply to me as im not emo lol) in Kanye West's song: Stronger, he says "that that dont kill me, can only make me stronger" now...what if it does kill you? like you know..inside...again this dont apply to me..just a cool thing to think about lol

5. If you had one "do-over-free" card, what would you do? seriously would you do anything? cuz you know..without that one "bad" thing...you might not be where you are today, or feel the way you feel today...i thought about it, and seriously, i'd say no thanks

6. What's the biggest mistake you've ever made? What did you learn from it?

7. Profound things dont come to you when you try to be profound, they come to you when you least expect it, i.e. when you're doing nothing/just sitting around/doing homework...its true, just take 10 minutes right now and try your best and try to think up something profound/deep...bet you cant...it doesnt come like that =]

8. Life is like a train (the old kind ya kno the ones that run on coal)..in 2 ways:
You get on (birth) and you ride through life, cant escape from it until you get off, and all you can really do is make the best out of the scenery, and when you get to your stop, you get off and step into Heaven.
You get on the train and you may be sitting in coach or maybe your sitting in economy..throughout the ride, you move through the train, sometimes stepping into rooms worst than yours like the place they keep all the coal to move the train, or sometimes you step into a cool room way more luxorious than yours. Getting off means the same thing.
Thing is, life has its ups and downs and all we can really do is make the best of it...
i like the 2nd one more cuz i know i feel more like im in a worse place than i started all the time...

9. There are many more fish in the sea...does anyone but me see that comment as a bit stupid? why? cuz...lets say ur fishing...u want to catch lets say...a big giant catfish to bring home to your family..but guess what, all u catch is 20 goldfish, 1 guppie, and 2 anchovies, hey look u didnt just catch 1 fish! u caught 23!!! can u feed ur family? no! does it mean anything? probably not!..so who cares how many fish (girls)..are out there...it doesnt mean anything except for that one (in a trillion..) that would really like you(me)(whoever) back..thats really kind, beautiful, blah blah you know...and however many other "fish" there are in the sea...could be infinite..wont matter...NoTe: in no way am i comparing girls to fish. haha lol =]

anyway yeah i know this is really really long, but comments!!!
hey yea i hav anonymous comments enabled, so if you comment, be so kind to leave ur name if u dont want to sign on ur blog/ or ur just some stranger/ or ur a friend who dont hav a blog =]

Monday, September 15, 2008

So...Been Thinking

So anyway, i was at church, in Sunday School yesterday
Yeah, well we had to write down 3 things we were a failure at since we became teenagers (anonymous)...Well, im an epic fail we know that, and it got me thinking about the biggest mistakes i ever made...and i guess...i KNOW the biggest one i ever made was as an immature little kid in 7th grade...well everybody likes someone and everybody wants to know who other people like, and my personal greatest epic fail was playing a game with it...
hey, is it ___? maybe, pick a letter, oh hey guess wat it has an "e" in it somewhere...stuff like that... and i guess i messed around with this stuff too much...people figure it out and things spreaad and eventually "she" hears about it from her friends...all awkward and stuff...*sigh* looking back, i realize that i was so stupid....so so so stupid....now i know, but i wish i knew then...
and guess what, at least i learned something: if i like someone i shud either not tell anyone at all, no games nothing, or tell it straight out...and whatever happens, she should be the FIRST...not last to know...and yeah i know i still can be immature alot, but i guess i'll grow, with a few friends helping me eh? =D thanks to my friends for well being there for me to vent, talk to, give me hope...thanks
i'll be there for you too =]

yeah well, thats my blog for the week, comment and yeah tell me how i fail at life, its been accepted, lol, commentzzz

**Since you been gone, ive been down and lonely
Since you been gone, ive been thinking of you**
-=Diana Ross=-
that song is sooo old, like 70's old, anyway the jabba remix of it sounds cool and lyrics mean something

i hope my blog wasnt in anyway corny, wasnt intended

Friday, August 15, 2008

ooh =D

hey cool blogger changed its format
anyway, i havnt been on as i been home alot and on call of duty =( [nerd]
lol anyway, im at library rite now
dont wanna come back to school...summer just is like ....*whew* gone...and its been like what 3 weeks...not 3 months...this sux....i mean sure u get to c ur friends and stuff...but summer is just so much more fulfilling and gosh i cant think right now...i dont wanna go back to school


my job is to be your optimism.
haha hey that sounded pretty cool, yeah i made that up like 20 seconds ago >.< =D

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

my life as a well...jus some guy that nobody notices =D

haha well
i had a take home test, 7 pages front back, and a 3 hr final this thursday...ALL on statistics...how fun
hey at least i dont got summer work =D haha
there shudnt be AP classes, everybody should just take all the same classes likei n 5th grade
that way, itd be grades and not just o hey he took AP!
blah blah blah..too much work too

im gonna be random 2day
so...err....o hey, i actually hav 3 people that read my blog!
haha used to be just john and melissa, nwo some dude that was looking thru his
friends' friends' friends' friends' friends' friends' friends' friends' friends' blogspots, came upon mine and ssaw i played CODfish4! lol
how fun
just for him, >.< i will talk about codfish for a moment
=JCC=IczyG= i have joined new clan! yay
{WEED}Altair, knife only acct
FatBabyBstard <---heheh new acct
and wow that made me sound so geeky
crap...thats bad for image huh? o well

i have a dude in my stats class that looks like P. Diddy =D
and this dude that sorta looks like Luda, Ludacris =D

well..im at library =) and on meebo
thats about it for now
o yeah, im goin to a play at chabot...on sunday...at 2 o clock...i hope i can make it
i hope its good...
haha lol! im sure it will be

o hey, has anyone ever wondered how things would be like...when everything perfect?
heres my 'renditions':
dinner: anything i can afford
ideal-perfect dinner: fancy restraunt, table by the window, right by beach, then after, walk on the beach =) plus cuddling o how fun....

the date: prolly anything i can afford >.<
ideal: anything she wants...and....if its a movie, nothing scarier than the Joker >.< haha lol

the gift: 1 flower i find on some garden...or something i can afford
ideal: flowers, jewelry, or anything she asked for =D

the girl: whoever God gives me, beautiful, and likes me for who i am
ideal: same as above

im gonna do a "my job" line that i will make up after every one of my blogs starting today
just to start it off...i will do 2 today =D

"My job--is to make you feel like the beautiful person you are, when you are feeling ugly."
"My job--is to listen to your every word, and remember those words forever, or at least for 10 years."


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

haha =P

man, i cant believe nobody replied to my last post
who DOESNT think im hot seriously lolz
im bein bored at library
err.. i got A+ on statistics test yay me
life been boring
not really
life been sucking
not really either
o hey, its wednesday = FREE ICED COFFEE! at starbuckz lol
i got a card =D
pretty tight

dum dee dum





monday =D
bye bye

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


haha, genius-ness, ok i wont disssss melissa's genius-ness...lolz =P
11:09 doesnt count as after 11...lol
people should always call me as im always boredomed
obama still >> mccain
i learned that meant greater than by alot =DDDDD
and uh...im at library, if i call, it always means "call me back" =)
im boredomed right now
life is sorta sucking right at the moment durin the time of now <--how sucky was that?
derrr....im on AIM like 4 hrs a day
sooooo IM meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i am spam god =D no questions asked =P


if i am the coolest, hottest, guy uve ever seen in ur life, type "." in ur comment =D
if not, type "kazoom" in ur next comment ^^^ that is a period =D

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

stuffed bunnies

first off, who cares about the wives?
its the president that makes the beeg decisions, wives dont do much except talk wen the pres dont want to
plus i had more support for obama instead of just one =D=D=D
been a long time since i last blogged
uhh...im a bit bored
got kicked outta summer skool class for talkiing too much =)

havnt talked to melissa much, i know u miss me =P
uhh....im at the library

=JCC=NO=SWEARING= <-----codfish server, im number 21 on this =D =D
im bored
so go on AIM and talk to me
or call me at 510-693-3804
haha lolz =)
i dare u to call

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

okay okay

here it is people, the GREAT political debate
brought to u 100% by the extremely biased, political proffesor: Mr.[L.C]{WEED}[PAIN]IczyG =D
first off, OBAMA >x1000(greater than by 1000) mccain
so abortion u get a few hundred babies dead, but in the war in iraq...u get MILLIONS, well more than a few thousand killed, and obama will help with the war, withdrawing troops and stuff, while mccain= 2nd bush, now do we all want another bush?
yea didnt think so

and mccain is just another old white guy...
dont we all want to be in high school and so young, yet we witness the FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PreSidENT!?!?!?!?
i do, and we shud all as well
wen we get old we can tell stories to our great great great great grandchildren and say, wen i was your age, i witnessed the first black dude to be president!

and, just for melissa, obama left his church cuz his stupid pastor went mental and started being all anti-america, and who wants an anti-american as president?!?!?

and, u can trust obama, he will bring CHANGE!
mccain is an old white guy who will send a majore surge of troops to iraq, and those troops will all die under heavy MG fire, which in turn will turn america angry, and start WWIII, and either way we will be happy why?
obama= withdraw troops, gas plummets to 3.50 again, we all live happily
mccain= world war III, BUT, the silver lining is: we get COOL NEW GAMES!!! like 50 years later, EA will produce cool games concerning war, much like cod4 modern warfare =D, and all our kids + grandkids will be happy!!! just think of how many kids play WORLD WAR II games at the moment =)
yea, but only one choice brings us world peace instead of devastation: o-b-a-m-a =D

1 more thing: obama had supporters set up in front of wal-mart and inside of k-mart =D
kool shirts too =P
i dont see any mccain shirts!?!?!?!?
i dont see mccain trying to win us besides his crappy speeches =D
obama = trust, change, and most importantly COOL SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(ghostly echo): Obama will bring us to happily ever after!.......

**beat that melissa =)**

Monday, June 30, 2008

dum dee dum dum dum

i hav no idea who joseph fritz is lol
my friend sent me the quote =D thought it sounded cool
and im bored
im gonna play codfish in half an hour =)
dum dee dum dum dum
thats a cool site =D
i go there alot
and also www.yahoomail.com
i go there too
and im bored at the moment
and o hey looks like i can go on codfish in 5 minutes instead of half an hour lol
derrr...yea comment me

Saturday, June 28, 2008

im bored so im bloggin =D

so ive been at library past 2 days for volunteer
and hey guesss wat i saw yesterday

i went to the restroom, came out, was gonna go home, and i walked past this dude on a comp...and i saw wat he was looking at
some girl's webcam =D lol!!!!
only saw a glimpse tho lol =)

well...im at library again...went to LC yestreday...
cant say it was fun..........we did skits and stuff
sorta bit boring

noone interesting to talk to
well, maybe ME of course...but even talking to me might get boring sometimes...

ta-ta +D +D +D
hey, that face looks like a shovel!

im bored
lets try.... h4x-inc.tk
there we go
it showed up as a site
melissa dont go there!
its nothing bad =D
u can tell by it saying h4x= hacks
you know which one i am, IczyG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goto chat, then spam corner
look for the

funny vid ^^

[12:02] ivankho1234: -_-
[12:02] shouter123: im bor-ED
[12:03] ivankho1234: good for you
[12:13] shouter123: o hey look, you IMed me
[12:13] ivankho1234: ur slow
[12:14] shouter123: yes i am!!!
[12:14] ivankho1234: good for you
[12:14] shouter123: rEtaRdEd = me
[12:14] ivankho1234: so true\

i like pie?
goto AIM, then look for shouter123, and look at my buddy info =D
pretty tight

"If Joseph Fritzl wrote a book, I'm sure it would be a best cellar"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

sorry sorry sorry

OMG >.<
sorry melissa
what was in it?
my friend jus like sent it to me on yahoo...nvr saw wat it really was
he told me it was sick tho
sorry bout that
i told u NOT to click it!
grrr stupid me
im sorry a thousand times
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy
sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy sorryyyyy

yea i kno it dont make up for it =(
i'll call u later and tell u again =(
(wacks self on head)


first off all, john, my spam was longer than ur spam...and....only i may spam my own blog...well...mebbe melissa...lol nope, only me!

also...fine fine...i'll bring ur precious wonderwoman back to life....FWABAM!!!!
o wow..she ugly!

i at the library again and guess wat i learned today
EXCEL ROCKS at statistics!!!!!!!!!!
it absolutely ownzzzzz

and more ppl should come to my blog

o yea john i know sumtin all of us guys LOVE, except me...and no sorry its not a girl in the following video

editted (have fun with that)

its finnish, as in the country finland, but yea it rocks dont it?
melissa, i advise u not to click the site....but all guys are welcome to!!!!
yea my friend sent me it cuz i sent him the english version...lol
gud day to u all =D

mel...seriusly, dont click the site

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

you all crazy, im jus stupid =D

Girls are crazy and boys are plain stupid.And girls are crazy because boys are stupid.
really now? lol

and yes....class is SOOOO boring..i cant believe i only used 5 "borings" deserves at least 20...
o yea...and life is so MUCH worse without melissa in my math class
(laughs in joy hysterically) lol not many ppl to talk to now....
plus the class is hard
o and guess wat tonight's hw is?
equals NO HW =PPPPP
but yea..class is boring boring boring
but more interesting interesting interesting than melissa (JKJKJKJKJKJKJK)

i need to post longer blogs
but life is boring

o yea im at the library again

spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...
spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...spammity spammity spam...

i spammed my blog, and now its spam war...beat my spam melissa!!!!!!!!!! =P jk, dont comment spam me pls =D lol

ps: superman + batman + spiderman = 10000000000000 dead wonderwomen =D
ooooooooohhhh super long post =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

im pathetic

lol...im tired of postin to beat melissa =D
you win =D
unless u still wanna essay-comment and stuff lol
i suck at blogging
my life BorInG lol
i'll blog in july
sumthin interesting might happen to me lol *winkz winkz*
im bored until then
and my summer skool class ===> BORING AND HARD
teacher is soooooooooooo monotone and boringgggggggggggggggggg
hw is hecksaz hard too lol
o hey, this blog turned out longer than i expected
cuz i like the EnTeR button alot lol
i shud spam my own blog =)
or melissa cud do it for me....lol =D
im bored

superman bored

batman bored

reallllyyyyy bored

cant u see?

Monday, June 23, 2008

im not kool, but im spiderman =D and superman, and batman

HAH! im a superhero =)
im bored
bored superhero...

(x9999999999999999999999999999999999999 kajillion bajillion superman-illion mega-illion)
if u even add .00000000001 to that, it becomes infinity =D lol
and yes im superkool =D
and melissa shud blog more
and do essay comments

for those of u that dont know

well, finally sum1 besides melissa read my blog =)
well if u dont know
WHO IZ KOOL!?!?!?!? koolest kidd everrrrr
so..now u kno..IM CONCEITEd =D
IczyG, now if u were a freshman that wud ring a bell

note: post (x100 billion)
note: (x infinity) is not allowed!

hah! there we go
super mega ice cold pwnage codfish pie cake ownage in length blog!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

its sooo cold!

omg..the weather is just too cold lol
lol cod4 = codfish eww....lol
well im off to church soon
i like PIE
i like CAKE TOO!!!
cocoa puffs cocoa puffs, melissa is kukoo for cocoa puffs
depression can be gud for ppl
>.< no it cant =D
im bored and im playing codfish4

(POST x10)
so u multiply wat i posted times 10!
and now my post is longer than melissa's last comment =DDDDDDD

Saturday, June 21, 2008

im at library again

yes..i hav finished my shift =DD
i'll probably go home
take a shower
make a few calls lol
and play cod4....
tomorrow..same thing except library shift is replaced with church...
yet church doesnt giv me that really great holy sense of feeling....feelz different...wierd..not RIGHT...
mebbe itz me
and o crapperz....i have class on monday =(


and im a kukoo kidd.....=(
life sux
im not depressed
confused, not depresssed
suicidal, but not depressed

iczybekoolkidd and HAH my post is now longer than melissa's last comment =DDDDDD

beat that =)

Friday, June 20, 2008

OK, check it i posted =D

derr...im at da library..
1 word: BORED

now..comment! =D =D =D

im gonna help some kids out for some reading program later....fun...................................................


Thursday, May 15, 2008


Iczy iz kool...tatz me =DDDD