Monday, April 6, 2009

Pet Peevez (Peev - Vez.) *Beep Beep File Over-RideE.

Ho-Hum. Been longer than i usually take to blog...but a bit busy lately.
I would have put this on my "splitter" blog (private one) but iuno this pertains alot to ccs and public...
Anyway...for some reason i dont my blog notes (yes i put my blog ideas and stuff in notes on a piece of paper lol...) i put the word "shitty" on it, but dont remember why now..and then i wrote next to it "will only go into 4 things but in depth." so i guess that means i will write about only 4 hate/peeves. No idea how that relates to me putting "shitty" there for...anyway lets not mind that. Lets jump into the water. (Back in the Water - jesse mccartney) anyone? anyway SPLOOSH!*
Boy im gonna be pissed after writing this...(memories...)
1. Discrimminating teachers- you know the teachers that just hate.
Most people know Mr. D Han. I have a few friends that call him a *non PG word(el oh el.) He just hates. I dont even know why he hates me. Oh wait, i DO know.
Everyone knows Mrs. Carlson has favorites (this will apply in a sec.) Luckily, im one of them. Shes always tellin the class how im smart and can do stuff twice as fast..and get them right...(and that i need to show work and write less sloppily cuz ppl cant follow wat im doin) And guess what Mr.Han is always in the classroom..his office is there. So one day, Little Daniel subs for our class and we had some classwork. 5 people are asking me for help and im justhelping them. Little Daniel just comes by and starts sayin stuff like "your not so special blah blah blah" and im really just like just helpin ppl. and omg this 1 thing already so long. I was gonna say how Mrs. Sun(mandarin) is a bad teacher too..but w/e. you get the gist of wat i hate.
2. Kids that think they're in authority. Especially if they're a real butthole about it...hey at least i get to see the real side of that andrew kid...(junior..this should ring a bell..and yes carrie this is one of the 2 guys i told u to block on facebook? the dude that bought me from u on friends for sale? ye that guy.) Anyone else in ccs notice that if u talk to him he acts like hes all that but if u dont talk to him hes all quiet and just stares at stuff? haha the other day the kid was all acting like hes admin of school comps cuz i was using it and that alan go kid was buggin me so andrews just pushes me awaya nd logs off..well guess what he didnt know, im a comp maintent. kid too so in his face. xD. immaturity vs immaturity!
3. People that use: proms,formals,balls,etc. as a first date thing. Anyone else here think thats extremely shallow? seriously ive had friends that ask ppl to events as a first date. i usually tell em not too...bah half the time they dont listen. things like that are like 3rd date plus invites. Why would u ask someone that u dont even know if they like you?
4. Age discrimination (half jokingly.) K. Lets start with this. a 26 yr old talking to a 27 year old. Who here can see the difference? GOOD JOB YOU CANT. So. Why does my grade treat some freshmen different from sophs? and for soulsakes why can Mel high five juniors but not me? >=[ im pretty sure that was a joke. but its so frikkin true. ... im just gonna dot dot dot for a while. ... .... ...
K. Now to examine our sin nature shall we?
I will say a true given fact about myself.
" I, Simon Ho, am more mature than i was 4-6 months ago, in spirit and in mind."
Now i want you ALL to comment me with a comment including this: what was your first thought when u read this? BE HONEST.
if you were thinking about chicken, say CHICKEN.
if you thought "No your not..." Then say that. <--that is our sin nature. Our first thought would normally be to contradict the given.
even though i explained it. post your thoughts. and believe me, i AM expecting a "no your not." prove me right or wrong, just be honest.
and to private sig.
-=TimeSplitter [The Real Splitter]


IczyG said...

oh good gonna kill myself for putting that signature...if my life starts sucking even more just cuz of that sig. *sigh.
no im not editting that sig.

no to ur next thought.
and the next one.
no idea why.
NO damnit no!!!! =] =[ =] =[

Anonymous#42 said...


ooooo! Anonymous#42 strikes again!

Anonymous#1337 said...

wow. i can't believe you would bare your inner thoughts to the world like that. personally, my most ultimate pet peeve are human potatoes. you know, ppl who are basically no different from potatoes because they have no opinion or can't carry on a conversation that's somewhat intellectually stimulating. so talking to a potato would be of the caliber as talking to them. or ppl who just sponges it all up in convo and never says a thing. i mean, i realize some are shy, but honestly, after twenty minutes of this, it's annoying and awkward. i'm so mean sometimes. but i think another all-time peeve for me would be wannabes. while i realize almost all of us are wannabes in some form, i hate those bimbos and pseudo-"g"s that walk around strutting in their four hundred dollar shoes. i mean, it's more of a sad thing than a maddening thing because it means they're not strong enough to take charge of what they think is acceptable and be themselves. instead they rely on the judgment of others and put their fate in the hands of others. i mean, they're followers who constantly lives in fear and discontentment, always second guessing themselves and constantly worrying about how they look IN THE EYES OF OTHERS. that's not right. shouldn't you be the boss of yourself? ugh. i hate their insecurity. and i realize it's neither their fault nor should i be condemning them, but it just ticks me off in a fundamental way. probably because it's a clash of base values.

OKAY. i have thoroughly segued from you to my own pet peeves. so back to YOU. :D i totally agree with the discriminating teachers. but sometimes you gotta cut them some slack. maybe Mr. Han was the kid that always struggled in school and was always hated by a teacher who loved the kid who was the smartest but hate the less academically gifted kids. so he takes it out on you. iono. but something horrible and scarring must have happened to him in order to create such a vehement person (at least to you) that he is today. now, your second pet peeve. hmmmmm.... i love how honest you were at the end of it. :P but it's just the way of society. not much you can do about it. there's always gonna be someone who, you know, is the "leader." sometimes it's a good thing, most often it's not. at the right times, a person in charge is kinda nice (i.e. Obama). but i totally get your point. third peeve: ..... no, srsly, i SO did not see that coming, nor did i ever think that would be a pet peeve. original. i like that! :P fourth and final peeve: i don't think it's age discrimination. it's something more fundamental. the word for it is not coming to me right now, but it's that thing where the alpha dog is the head and when he leaves the next powerful dog comes along and becomes the new alpha and stuff. and there's a set order for the pack based on their dominance and strength. it's like a hierarchy. social hierarchy? not sure what it's called. and i'm too lazy to go and wiki or google it up. :P

sin nature. please don't tell me you're reading freud and jung for leisure. :P but i must agree that you've matured much more during the last few months. okay, don't lynch me for saying this, but i still think you're in the process of maturing. you're, like, at least halfway there. you've changed a lot since i've known you. and probably for the better :) if it makes you feel better, most guys will finish maturing around late teens, early twenties based on the rate and how well they adjust to their new influx of testosterone. really, it's just an adaptation process. wow, i sure have a way of making everything dry and boring :( if you're slapping your forehead at this stage or your eyes are leaking blood, i'm sorry. sorta. :P + ;D

you should know who this is, so i won't bother with a name. if you don't know, imma unleash my spamming fury upon you!

IczyG said...

Thanks for the uber long comment that was almost LONGEr than my post, mr *cough ms. anonymous...421337...(combined both of urs haha)
yes yes thankyou anonymouse *cough Cchan....but wth, i got an email from this blog saying that you found a link on my other blog leading to this one..which is true yes, but i cant find that comment?!?!

instead of making another blog and quoting 1337 comment, i'll just post a short response (*short..maybe.)
like OMG i hate posers too!
ppl that act fake for more than 2 minutes i just want to slap em.
in the face.
which is why i dont like some of the "makeover" shows.
if someone has a certain personality they should show that personality on the outside as well. so ppl dont hafta keep guessing..oh is his real self this outside "kool kid" kinda guy or is he really some "dork" poser?
*cough *cough *cough. i wont say much else. (cough does not pertain to me or anyone at AHS in particular.but i did have someone in mind.)
for number 2, i should clarify that the butthole kid was not PUT in a position of power. just that hes slightly bigger and of course i dont carry a knife on me yet. ok.
for number 3, thats not a peeve for ya cuz u cant get sum1 to ask u to prom carrie haha JK JK JK xD ^^^^ me being mean =]
and bah w/e at number 4 lol.
woot woot.
Here comes the sound
Everyone down
You move to this phenomenon.
^^^ Phenomenon - Thousand Foot Krutch.

Anonymous#LOL said...

it's on your other blog.

who's the nooblet now???

Melissa Yam said...

1. Teachers are overstressed, underpaid workers overwhelmed by ridiculous school bureacracy. Though true they may be unreasonable at times.
3. Because it's not supposed to be serious.
4. Because Juniors reign supreme. Jk.

I think people's personality's are complicated and cannot be confined to several words.

This must be longest thing I've read in my life haha.