^does the title look retarded? humph. anyway!
Phenomenon. Lets all start callin' me that.
Master Tactician. hmm... Tactical Coordinator sounds nice too.
Its been a while. since. just since.
Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do ( You got Me lost for Words, I dont know What to Say).
^ eROC - Speechless Chorus. Facebook hit. Good song.
And Cassie- Is it you
^hella old but damn its still good and gives me a nostalgic feeling.
Link below. Just cuz im listening to it.
if u cant click it, highlight it then copy paste it.
So last time i posted...hmm..i think i was feeling more sad than happy?
anyway. i guess now im in a point where i dunno whether to be happy or sad. good for me. not really.
Whats still wrong?
Letsee, well the COD4 clan i wanna be in just recruited a really immature 16 year old instead of me. Minor problem? Meh i play alot of Call of Duty xD. Needless to say i was a pissed little geek for a bit.
My grades SUX. done deal.
Not much cheers me up.
games...im so good (its true) it gets boring...
hanging out...*whisper* to be honest...i dont hav many ppl to hang out wit..
i goto AHS once in a while...and i used togoto my friends house alot..but ...
homewking...who enjoys that?
pretty much throw ideas at me. like for me to do. i'll shoot em down for ya. that may be fun for 5 minutes. or so.
I hate it. hate what. being used. -.- Like yesterday's trash. Use once, or twice, then throw away. *sigh. ugh. if u gonna throw something away, dont use it in the first place. especially if its a person. great tip. -.-
Apparently im a great tactitician..i wonder if that could be a FIRST position..
Inventor/Master Tactician. that sounds cool.
anyway ima cut it short here. just so i can see mel's comment before i goto bed. lol.
i'm gonna promise this. unless i change my mind about how my next blog will affect readers. anyway next one should be interesting and sorta revealing. =] no im not gay, carrie. xDDD anyway bye!. <- =O a Xclmation mark AND a period?
I Feel Like Blogging Right Now
15 years ago
LOL. your denials only makes me more suspicious! ;D jkjk
once AP tests are over, maybe we can hang out sometime. i haven't hung out with you in AGES. i wish i saw more of you in real life. it sucks because homework is the reason why i have no life and ends up studying on a friday night. :( but no pain, no gain. and no, i'm not referring to S&M :P
anyways, try re-applying again for the clan thingy whatever on COD! you're a great player, and they'll recognize that soon enough :)
as for the other ugly stuff in your life right now...don't worry about it. i know it hurts sometimes. i...recently ended my friendship with one of my friends because she kept abusing me emotionally. i know that sounds wimpy, but you should have heard some of the things she says. i cried so many times because of what she said to me in the past. she does it out of this insane jealousy of hers. she's great when she's not jealous...but she's hurt me so many times that i can't put up with it anymore. and she uses me left and right. i guess my point is that ppl sometimes use you because they're jealous of you or that you have something they don't. that came out kinda cruddily, BUT it's supposed to make you feel better. anyways, don't worry about the shit in your life. personally, i think the only thing you can do is take a deep breath and move on.
if you tell anyone about what i just said, i will rip your reproductive organs out and can/pickle them and send them to africa for starving ppl to eat. >:]
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