WARNING!!!!! not really but anyway, this blog is gonna be really long...but i promise you...you will get something out of it and you will find it interesting...thats a PROMISE..so yeah read the whole thing..shouldnt take u 5 minutes...took me like 30 min to type this up lol
so me, me me me me me...
well...i used to be somewhat conceited though it was mostly jokingly lol.
i tend to come off as a bit immature, yes a bit, but in reality...im really not...now you're looking for a "PSYCH!" but no really...i just talk alot...and that can be seen in alot of ways and yes im trying to stop talkin so much, and yeah i know i can be slightly annoying at times ( one of the reasons i "suck" im sure...)
well heres my err..greatest..flaw? yeah well here it is, and quite unknown to well everyone actually: fact is, i overanalyze what people say to me...heres an example: if i say hi/hey/wtsup/etc. to especially a girl (><), and she says hi back...i will completely "analyze" how she said it, her tone of voice, any motions that signal how she feels at the moment, and yeah its sorta weird >.< wrong ="[...but">.<
seriously though...im not that bad of a guy am i? i mean im always trying to be that caring, compassionate, guy that is also a good listener, ya kno, "perfect guy" cept for tall dark and handsome....lol...anway..
so lets leave this with a few cool questions/quotes that i thought up either in some class or at 10pm at night in my bed:
1. got hope? (seriously think about that)
2. Love is the sworn enemy of the heart.
3. There is no absolute truth except the one just stated. (this isnt true i know it, i just put this here cuz people keep using that stupid 12 year old comeback: how bout the one u just said?)
4. (in no way does this apply to me as im not emo lol) in Kanye West's song: Stronger, he says "that that dont kill me, can only make me stronger" now...what if it does kill you? like you know..inside...again this dont apply to me..just a cool thing to think about lol
5. If you had one "do-over-free" card, what would you do? seriously would you do anything? cuz you know..without that one "bad" thing...you might not be where you are today, or feel the way you feel today...i thought about it, and seriously, i'd say no thanks
6. What's the biggest mistake you've ever made? What did you learn from it?
7. Profound things dont come to you when you try to be profound, they come to you when you least expect it, i.e. when you're doing nothing/just sitting around/doing homework...its true, just take 10 minutes right now and try your best and try to think up something profound/deep...bet you cant...it doesnt come like that =]
8. Life is like a train (the old kind ya kno the ones that run on coal)..in 2 ways:
You get on (birth) and you ride through life, cant escape from it until you get off, and all you can really do is make the best out of the scenery, and when you get to your stop, you get off and step into Heaven.
You get on the train and you may be sitting in coach or maybe your sitting in economy..throughout the ride, you move through the train, sometimes stepping into rooms worst than yours like the place they keep all the coal to move the train, or sometimes you step into a cool room way more luxorious than yours. Getting off means the same thing.
Thing is, life has its ups and downs and all we can really do is make the best of it...
i like the 2nd one more cuz i know i feel more like im in a worse place than i started all the time...
9. There are many more fish in the sea...does anyone but me see that comment as a bit stupid? why? cuz...lets say ur fishing...u want to catch lets say...a big giant catfish to bring home to your family..but guess what, all u catch is 20 goldfish, 1 guppie, and 2 anchovies, hey look u didnt just catch 1 fish! u caught 23!!! can u feed ur family? no! does it mean anything? probably not!..so who cares how many fish (girls)..are out there...it doesnt mean anything except for that one (in a trillion..) that would really like you(me)(whoever) back..thats really kind, beautiful, blah blah you know...and however many other "fish" there are in the sea...could be infinite..wont matter...NoTe: in no way am i comparing girls to fish. haha lol =]
anyway yeah i know this is really really long, but comments!!!
hey yea i hav anonymous comments enabled, so if you comment, be so kind to leave ur name if u dont want to sign on ur blog/ or ur just some stranger/ or ur a friend who dont hav a blog =]
I Feel Like Blogging Right Now
15 years ago
Bloody Deep--kinda.
If you had one "do-over-free" card, what would you do? seriously would you do anything?
I would have dropped ap chinese and learned piano.
What's the biggest mistake you've ever made? What did you learn from it?
To wallow in my mistakes. That I shouldn't wallow in mistakes.
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