Wednesday, July 9, 2008


haha, genius-ness, ok i wont disssss melissa's genius-ness...lolz =P
11:09 doesnt count as after
people should always call me as im always boredomed
obama still >> mccain
i learned that meant greater than by alot =DDDDD
and at library, if i call, it always means "call me back" =)
im boredomed right now
life is sorta sucking right at the moment durin the time of now <--how sucky was that? on AIM like 4 hrs a day
sooooo IM meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i am spam god =D no questions asked =P


if i am the coolest, hottest, guy uve ever seen in ur life, type "." in ur comment =D
if not, type "kazoom" in ur next comment ^^^ that is a period =D

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