Tuesday, June 24, 2008

im pathetic

lol...im tired of postin to beat melissa =D
you win =D
unless u still wanna essay-comment and stuff lol
i suck at blogging
my life BorInG lol
i'll blog in july
sumthin interesting might happen to me lol *winkz winkz*
im bored until then
and my summer skool class ===> BORING AND HARD
teacher is soooooooooooo monotone and boringgggggggggggggggggg
hw is hecksaz hard too lol
o hey, this blog turned out longer than i expected
cuz i like the EnTeR button alot lol
i shud spam my own blog =)
or melissa cud do it for me....lol =D
im bored

superman bored

batman bored

reallllyyyyy bored

cant u see?

1 comment:

Melissa Yam said...

OF COURSE I WIN. I ALWAYS WIN. I AM AWESOME. See I even beat you in conceit. Haha, jk.

I wonder why you always make references to superman and batman. I mean they're cool and scary and all, but reallyyy! they're sooo overrated. You know who's cool? WonderWoman. At least I thought so when I was like, what, 8? She has those cute little handcuff things that make for perfect accessories and she drives like an invisible whatevermobile. At least I think that was her. AND she's a woman. Which makes her cooler because women > men. Haha you know that saying:
Girls are crazy and boys are plain stupid.
And girls are crazy because boys are stupid.
Ahhahah. Anyway, that's what you get for taking a math class without interesting interesting interesting (you said boring +5 times on your blog) me.
It's past 1 in the morning now, and I don't feel sleepy.
Okay, I'm sure my comment is longer than your post for the last time. Hahah. There.