Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 12 posted. Jan 13 editted.

This is for the record.
History is written by the victor.
History is filled with liars.
If he lives, and we die his truth will be written-
and ours is lost.
[He] (name not revealed) will be a hero. Cause all you need to change the world, is one good lie and a river of blood.
He's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history.
His truth will be the truth.
But only if he lives, and we die.

i love that ^^
Edited: originally this was about Murphy's Law.
But I'd actually rather use this space to talk about the poem below, Flint Strikes Wood.
Just one thing. Im glad that the poem has no ending ^^ yet.

At the same time, i do believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
There are no, NO, coincidences.
God has a plan for everything.
Everything you and I hear, see, breathe?
It was put there for a reason.
I may or may not have talked about this before, but it cannot be stressed enough.

Monday, January 11, 2010

If we knew each other's secrets, what comforts we should find.

^Quote by John Churton Collins.
Saw it at the end of a show called Criminal Minds.
Assess the validity of this quote.
Well, i dont know. If everyone had no secrets, then everything we do would be exposed, but since we already know what people are "hiding" we would not be embarassed or ashamed. There would be no surprises, and only some spontaneity. I like to think that it would be like a completely free world, yet boring at the same time.
When i heard the quote, and up until now, i had planned to write about how i agreed with it. Actually, i only kind of agree. I like to find out things. I enjoy expressing myself in ways that could not be done if I didnt have secrets.
What do you think?

Flint Strikes Wood

Flint Strikes Wood
Flint Strikes Wood

Sparks! Sparks!
Flint Strikes Wood
Sparks! Sparks!
Flint Strikes Wood

Ignite! Ignite!

Rain Pours
Flint Strikes Wood
Rain Pours
Flint Strikes Wood

Water Extinguishes
Flint Falls

Drenched Wood
Watered Down Wood

One -
Last Time

Flint Strikes Wood
Sparks! Sparks!
Flames! Flames!

Wow...what a boring poem.