So..Melissa wnted me to blog about photoshop?
either she replied to the wrong IM or..well i dunno, anyway here it is. lets start with defintion
Photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception , courtesy of google and wiki ;)
K...i havnt really used photoshop, never installed PS, and i think i only touched it once.
Yay me.
It makes pictures look good i guess. I use Picasa...pretty much the same thing..i hav some cool pix of that on my myspace(no idea wat linkto my myspace is and im too lzy to go there.)k, so hmm...mel's in yrbook so im guessin she uses it alot? dunno.. are cool. I like pictures. They speak 1000+ words.
I like taking
so...anyway lol,
i was at library homework coaching, and this cute little kid (2nd grade i think) named Brandon(i think) came in and was doing his homework...and it had something to do with love and we had the HARDEST time trying to explain to a 2nd grader what love was...haha..funny stuff
but eventually one of us said "its like giving your heart to someone"
and then brandon said "why would you want to give your heart to someone?"
aww moment.
aww moment some more.
now.. why WOULD u giv ur heart to someone?
yeah well anyway, this short lil blog is all i have time for at the moment...gotta tell mel to comment =P
and if anyone's seen my AIM buddy info lately, ive decided most of the world isnt ready to see my other blog ;].
I Feel Like Blogging Right Now
15 years ago