Friday, February 13, 2009

Life sucks, Lets all goto Heaven...Right Now. (Emo-moo-cow stylez)

I always wished..that my blog would impact someones life, and it might have..and it also might not have.
And whether it has or not, im still sorta glad i made this.
It helps me put out what i am and i can read it over and analyze myself.
I also wish..that my life would be impacted in a really good way.
Everything was better last year when i didnt care about anything.
Last year i could care less about anything and everything turned out great.
Now i care about people's feelings and stuff and i end up worse.
Last year i was friends only with real people and people i really wanted to get to know (both guys and girls.)This year i have more friends but half of em are fake.
Last year i had great relationships and now.. its not as cool.; a great example would be melissa, yea you!
By now ya'll kno i notice any and everything people do and that includes changes in behavior. I DO notice everything...we talk less, u seem to care less, u seem to respect me less(tho i prolly deserve that..) , u never want to hang out (yeah okay ur busy..i understand that lol), and either coincidentally or not, u seem to leave when i show up somewhere...that or we sit there with nothing to talk about =[. Until someone else comes. But yeah i dunno if u do this on purpose or not and if u notice it or not...but thats whats happening =[ and any bad relationship with any of my friends make me sad ='[
Last year, i ended with about 722 bucks in my little bank account, at this moment i have 30 dollars.
Last year, my parents didnt show their love too much, but they argue more with me this year..
Somehow, everything changed. EVERYTHING. and i HATE it. Will everyone help me work things out so everything was like last year? Even for just one day.
Is my life really this miserable...or is it that i only notice all the bad things.
A few posts ago i was offering help and my email for those who needed support.
*sigh...fine.."pretty pretty please? with a cherry on top?"
*'*Anonymous/openID comments accepted, email: , AIM: IczyG999 (private)
okay. so im prolly ending v-day half content but i still hate really lol).